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Lifetime Achievement Awards #10

Open jasheldo opened 3 months ago

jasheldo commented 3 months ago

There are requests to see lifetime post achievements. Starting the conversation here.

jasheldo commented 1 month ago

Here are some ideas I had about lifetime achievement awards.

  1. Mile High Club - Post at 1,000 beatdowns
  2. Leader of Leaders - Q 1,000 events (not including QSource)
  3. Buddy Jesus - Post to or lead 1,000 QSource events
  4. Holy MOLLE - Post to or lead 1,000 ruck events (identified by workout type = ruck and/or ao name like "ruck").

Thoughts on these? Any others?

Peffercorn-SH commented 1 month ago

I think it's is a great start and it's something we are currently tracking and manually posting at our region. We currently have the milestones set starting at 100 and then every 100 posts after that. So it would look something like..

"Shout out to @Peffercorn for hitting 100 lifetime posts!"

Or "@Peffercorn is moving on up with 300 lifetime posts with F3SH! Don't you quit!"

I like what is there so far but we keep it a bit more generic with more frequency.