F3XTeam / RBX-Try-Library

A library for controlling the flow of error-prone, interdependent functions.
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(Develop) Remove redundant calls, remove execute method #6

Closed Validark closed 7 years ago

Validark commented 7 years ago
Validark commented 7 years ago

I still think the IsAttempt function is stupid and unnecessary. Here is what someone would have to code in order for it to be necessary:

local Try = require("Try")
local Try2 = require("Try2")

local Attempt1 = Try(wait, 0.5)
local Attempt2 = Try2(wait, 1)

Attempt2.Then(Attempt1, function()


As far as I see it @GigsD4X, you still haven't given any reason why this would ever be necessary. IsAttempt should be removed and replaced with the in-function logic I previously implemented.

Validark commented 7 years ago

@GigsD4X, please look at my above example and tell me why you insist on the necessity of the _IsAttempt property and corresponding internal function

GigsD4X commented 7 years ago

@Validark Sorry about the late response, but consider the following case:


local Try = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.TryLibrary)
local Library = require(ArbitraryLibrary)



local Try = require(script.TryLibrary)
local Library = {}

local function Add(A, B)
    return A + B

function Library.GetSumLength(A, B)
    return Try(Add, A, B)

return Library

Since an attempt is returned by the attempted function as a result in Attempt.Results, it will be picked up by the following lines in subsequent :Then or :Catch operations:

    -- Enter new attempt context if received
    local FirstArgument = self.Results[1];
    if self.Success and IsAttempt(FirstArgument) then
        self = FirstArgument;

However, since the attempt containing an attempt in its results is always discarded (when self is replaced by the first returned attempt at the beginning of Then and Catch operations), we should consider making Try and Attempt.Then return the first returned attempt for chaining, rather than the attempt that contains it. This would make :Then and :Catch calls use that attempt's library.

Validark commented 7 years ago

Even if we implemented it to use Then and Catch from the original library, the original library still needs to know what is a new attempt and what isn't

Validark commented 7 years ago

Not longer relevant