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Take BIKESURF_VIRTENV_PATH env variable for virtualenv-wrapper compatibility. #63

Closed serdardalgic closed 9 years ago

serdardalgic commented 9 years ago

Hey all,

Instead of hardcoding the 'env' virtualenv, I wanted to set it as follows. The reason why I prefer to do it like this is, I created the virtualenv using virtualenv-wrapper, which is a wrapper over virtualenv commands, and puts all the virtualenvs under ~/.virtualenvs directory. So, In order to run the code, I needed this change.

Anyone who wants to run the code in that style may add the following line to their bash.rc or zsh.rc or whatever_shell_they_are_using.rc files:

export BIKESURF_VIRTENV_PATH=$HOME/.virtualenvs/bikesurf

(bikesurf is the name of the env)