F4CF / Creation-Framework

A general purpose scripting library for Fallout 4.
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[not an issue] Some questions about papyrus for Fallout 4 ( porting to Unreal Engine 5) #6

Open ghost opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

As an experiment, I started working on porting Fallout 4 Commonwealth exterior map to Unreal Engine 5, here are some more details UE link

I'm not an tech/artist, so visuals is not the primary focus of this experiment.

Anyways, the experiment turned out to be successful, to the point that it actually looks (albeit basic) in Unreal Engine 5 similar to Fallout 4 original. See these side-by-side comparisons Vault 111 Map

Anyways, on the to-do list is to eventually port Papyrus scripts to Unreal Engine C++, and I'm looking for someone versed in Papyrus to brainstorm with, and you came up :)

I was wondering if you can lend me a hand with some brainstorming. Thanks!