F4KER-X / TalentVault

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User Story 7:Browsing for available job postings #23

Closed laurenrigante closed 1 year ago

laurenrigante commented 1 year ago

As an applicant seeking a job, I want to be able to browse through available job postings so I can find a job relevant to me and my needs.


Itek01 commented 1 year ago

AT – 7.1 Browsing through Job Postings

User Acceptance Flow

  1. User browses through a list of all available job postings on the system for each job posting in the list.
  2. User as an applicant clicks on a job posting to view its full details, including job title, city location, and position length.
  3. User can navigate through different pages of these postings. a. Once he’s on the following pages, he can go back to the earlier ones.
F4KER-X commented 1 year ago

AT- 7.2: Pagination

User Acceptance Flow

  1. User tries to other browsing pages
  2. Different jobs are displayed ( no duplicates )
  3. User is able to find the same functionalities as other pages.
F4KER-X commented 1 year ago

AT - 7.3: User role

User Acceptance Flow

  1. If user is an application, user can't see the add job button, or can't make any modification
  2. If user is a recruiter, user is able to add a new job, delete user's jobs or edit