Closed tibers closed 3 years ago
namespace: kube-system bigip_login_secret: f5-bigip-ctlr-login serviceaccount: f5-bigip-ctlr01-serviceaccount args: ...
When I try to install a second controller per the HA docs:
$ helm install -f f5-bigip-ctlr-01.values.yaml --name f5-controller-01 f5-incubator/f5-bigip-ctlr Error: release f5-controller-01 failed: serviceaccounts "f5-bigip-ctlr-serviceaccount" already exists
And actually it looks like it's set in the helm chart but isn't setup correctly if I remove the whole thing:
status: replicas: 0 observedGeneration: 1 conditions: - type: ReplicaFailure status: 'True' lastTransitionTime: '2019-03-12T21:45:04Z' reason: FailedCreate message: >- pods "f5-controller-01-f5-bigip-ctlr-696cb64b55-" is forbidden: error looking up service account kube-system/f5-bigip-ctlr01-serviceaccount: serviceaccount "f5-bigip-ctlr01-serviceaccount" not found
**EDIT:*** bigip_login_secret: f5-bigip-ctlr-login also seems broken as the secret must be named f5-bigip-ctlr-login.
bigip_login_secret: f5-bigip-ctlr-login
Issue fixed not found in recent helm chart release. closing this issue.
When I try to install a second controller per the HA docs:
And actually it looks like it's set in the helm chart but isn't setup correctly if I remove the whole thing:
bigip_login_secret: f5-bigip-ctlr-login
also seems broken as the secret must be namedf5-bigip-ctlr-login