F5Networks / f5-azure-arm-templates

Azure Resource Manager Templates for quickly deploying BIG-IP services in Azure
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Failed to deploy the BIP-IP using PowerShell in Azure #104

Closed k-onx closed 5 years ago

k-onx commented 5 years ago

## Description As a newbie, I was trying to deploy a 3-NIC F5 in Azure using PowerShell, and got the following errors.

_New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment : 3:23:20 PM - Error: Code=MarketplacePurchaseEligibilityFailed; Message=Marketplace purchase eligibilty check returned errors. Seeinner errors for details. At /home/kevin/Deploy_via_PS.ps1:61 char:15

New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment : 3:23:20 PM - Error: Code=BadRequest; Message=Offer with PublisherId: f5-networks, OfferId: f5-big-ip-byol cannot be purchased dueto validation errors. See details for more information.[{"Legal terms have not been accepted for this item on this subscription. To accept legal terms using PowerShell, please use Get-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms and Set-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms API(https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862451) or deploy via the Azure portal to accept the terms":"StoreApi"}]_

Then I used the command following command and saw the Accepted item was true. Get-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms -Publisher "f5-networks" -Product "f5-big-ip-byol" -Name "f5-13.1.10000AllTwoBootLocations-byol" | Set-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms -Accept

_Publisher : f5-networks Product : f5-big-ip-byol Plan : f5-13.1.10000AllTwoBootLocations-byol LicenseTextLink : https://storelegalterms.blob.core.windows.net/legalterms/3E5ED_legalterms_F5%253a2DNETWORKS%253a24F5%253a2DBIG%253a2DIP%253a2DBYOL%253a24F5%253a2D 13%253a2E1%253a2E10000ALLTWOBOOTLOCATIONS%253a2DBYOL%253a24DXM2Z2NQYEG64MXSKERC46VWPW55V7FXG5LYINGGTNBPBN7WIYMTJNYRZGPGLNKDUVD3TNYGAWD6GT45VDLXR62 ND7BPMXNYCTK5XCY.txt PrivacyPolicyLink : https://www.f5.com/company/policies/privacy-policy Signature : EHIOARUPG3XOH53VENLZ7NHXJAQHII4HCDNEZXGWQ2JSBS5YWXQ2WJKMWQMW7YWUZ7KOFNDYZCBRBVAEK3QVRRFRUGEONXMTXIN2L4Y Accepted : True Signdate : 11/23/18 3:56:45 PM_

Then I tried again to deploy the F5 using the same command (shown below) and got the exact same error for the same command before I ran the Get-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms. Did I do anything wrong here? Please kindly advise.

_.\Deploy_via_PS.ps1 -adminUsername xxxxx -authenticationType password -adminPasswordOrKey xxxxx -uniqueLabel xxxx -instanceName xxxxx -instanceType Standard_DS3_v2 -imageName AllTwoBootLocations -bigIpVersion 13.1.100000 -licenseKey1 xxxxxxxxxx -numberOfExternalIps 20 -vnetName xxxxxx -vnetResourceGroupName xxxxx -mgmtSubnetName xxxxx -mgmtIpAddress xx.x.x.xx -externalSubnetName xxxxxxx -externalIpAddressRangeStart xx.x.x.x -internalSubnetName xxxxxx -internalIpAddress xx.x.x.x -avSetChoice CREATENEW -ntpServer 0.pool.ntp.org -timeZone UTC-customImage OPTIONAL -allowUsageAnalytics Yes -resourceGroupName xxxxxx

## Template 3-NIC - Standalone - Production network type - byol

## Severity Level For bugs, enter the bug severity level. Do not set any labels.

Severity: <Fill in level: 1 through 5>

Severity level definitions:

  1. In a test environment for now, but will deploy it in production
mikeshimkus commented 5 years ago

Are you sure you have your name/plan correct? This is what we have in the marketplace for that offer:

f5-networks f5-big-ip-byol f5-big-all-1slot-byol Linux 13.1.100000 westus f5-networks:f5-big-ip-byol:f5-big-all-1slot-byol:13.1.100000 f5-networks f5-big-ip-byol f5-big-all-1slot-byol Linux 14.0.001000 westus f5-networks:f5-big-ip-byol:f5-big-all-1slot-byol:14.0.001000 f5-networks f5-big-ip-byol f5-big-all-2slot-byol Linux 12.1.303000 westus f5-networks:f5-big-ip-byol:f5-big-all-2slot-byol:12.1.303000 f5-networks f5-big-ip-byol f5-big-all-2slot-byol Linux 13.1.007001 westus f5-networks:f5-big-ip-byol:f5-big-all-2slot-byol:13.1.007001 f5-networks f5-big-ip-byol f5-big-all-2slot-byol Linux 13.1.100000 westus f5-networks:f5-big-ip-byol:f5-big-all-2slot-byol:13.1.100000 f5-networks f5-big-ip-byol f5-big-all-2slot-byol Linux 14.0.001000 westus f5-networks:f5-big-ip-byol:f5-big-all-2slot-byol:14.0.001000 f5-networks f5-big-ip-byol f5-big-ltm-1slot-byol Linux 13.1.100000 westus f5-networks:f5-big-ip-byol:f5-big-ltm-1slot-byol:13.1.100000 f5-networks f5-big-ip-byol f5-big-ltm-1slot-byol Linux 14.0.001000 westus f5-networks:f5-big-ip-byol:f5-big-ltm-1slot-byol:14.0.001000 f5-networks f5-big-ip-byol f5-big-ltm-2slot-byol Linux 12.1.303000 westus f5-networks:f5-big-ip-byol:f5-big-ltm-2slot-byol:12.1.303000 f5-networks f5-big-ip-byol f5-big-ltm-2slot-byol Linux 13.1.007001 westus f5-networks:f5-big-ip-byol:f5-big-ltm-2slot-byol:13.1.007001 f5-networks f5-big-ip-byol f5-big-ltm-2slot-byol Linux 13.1.100000 westus f5-networks:f5-big-ip-byol:f5-big-ltm-2slot-byol:13.1.100000 f5-networks f5-big-ip-byol f5-big-ltm-2slot-byol Linux 14.0.001000 westus f5-networks:f5-big-ip-byol:f5-big-ltm-2slot-byol:14.0.001000

k-onx commented 5 years ago

Thanks edwoodjrjr.

Sorry I should have mentioned, actually I'd like to deploy it in Canadaeast. I changed the region parameter to $region = "canadaeast", in the Deploy_via_PS.ps1 file. Would that be an issue?

mikeshimkus commented 5 years ago

Shouldn't be, the plan names are the same across all regions.

k-onx commented 5 years ago

Do I need to use the Get-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms command? The command that I was trying to use was Get-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms -Publisher "f5-networks" -Product "f5-big-ip-byol" -Name "f5-networks:f5-big-ip-byol:f5-big-all-2slot-byol:13.1.100000" | Set-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms -Accept, but I got the following errors.

Get-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms : Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadGateway' At line:1 char:1

mikeshimkus commented 5 years ago

I think you want to use:

Get-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms -Publisher "f5-networks" -Product "f5-big-ip-byol" -Name "f5-big-all-2slot-byol" | Set-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms -Accept

The -Name should correspond to the SKU from the image list.

k-onx commented 5 years ago

That did resolve it. Thank you very much edwoodjrjr! It just worked like a charm. Now I have the BIP-IP created, and I'll configure it and do some test.

Thanks again edwoodjrjr. I'll report back if have some issues but I think I'm good for now.

mikeshimkus commented 5 years ago

Good to hear.