F5Networks / f5-google-gdm-templates

Google Deployment Templates for quickly deploying BIG-IP services in Google Cloud Platform
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BIG-IP fails to onboard when FQDN is >64 chars #62

Closed memes closed 1 year ago

memes commented 3 years ago

Do you already have an issue opened with F5 support?



BIG-IP fails onboarding when the hostname is greater than 64 characters, looking to all intents as though the BIG-IP has frozen. SSH, GUI access fail. By enabling serial access and grepping the logs the root-cause can be identified; the automatic hostname concatenated from GDM deployment name and GCP project id can easily exceed this limit.

Example: deploying to region europe-west1 with a deployment name of emes-gert-311-payg will cause the deployment to fail because the generated FQDN is bigip-1-emes-gert-311-payg.c.f5-gcs-4138-sales-cloud-sales.internal (67 chars).

[root@localhost:Active:Standalone] google # less cloudLibsError.log {"level":"error","message":"Onboard failed: 01070903:3: Constraint 'hostname must contain less than 65 characters' failed for '/Common/system'","label":"lib/bigIpOnboard.js","timestamp":"2021-03-05T18:20:12.610Z"}

Destroy and redeploy same items with deployment name emes functions correctly as hostname is bigip-1-emes.c.f5-gcs-4138-sales-cloud-sales.internal (53 chars).

❯ assh admin@
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Last login: Fri Mar  5 18:33:53 2021
admin@(bigip2-emes)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)#


For bugs, enter the template with which you are experiencing issues below.

via-api via-lb standalone

Severity Level

For bugs, enter the bug severity level. Do not set any labels.

Severity: 2

Severity level definitions:

  1. Severity 1 (Critical) : Defect is causing systems to be offline and/or nonfunctional. immediate attention is required.
  2. Severity 2 (High) : Defect is causing major obstruction of system operations.
  3. Severity 3 (Medium) : Defect is causing intermittent errors in system operations.
  4. Severity 4 (Low) : Defect is causing infrequent interuptions in system operations.
  5. Severity 5 (Trival) : Defect is not causing any interuptions to system operations, but none-the-less is a bug.
mikeshimkus commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting, created internal issue ESECLDTPLT-2504 to track this.

Goobaroo commented 3 years ago

Ran into the same issue deploying to australia-southeastern1, I think the longest region name in GCP.

I modified the deployment to drop the .internal from the hostname, but it needs a better fix.

leondelyon3 commented 3 years ago

Ran also in the same problem because of deployment name set to: bigip-3nic-failover-api-payg-deployment + long project name. Found the issue by checking onboard.log: hostnamelongerthan65 It will be helpful to check it directly in the python script instead of doing the full deployment then connect to the bigip instance through another vm and finally checking the log in verbose mode.

shyawnkarim commented 1 year ago

Closing due to age. These legacy templates are now in maintenance mode and are being replaced by our next-generation templates available in the Cloud Templates 2.0 GitHub repo.