F5Networks / f5-openstack-agent

The F5 Agent for OpenStack Neutron allows you to deploy BIG-IP services in an OpenStack environment.
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Default pool ID ignored in listener update #645

Closed jlongstaf closed 7 years ago

jlongstaf commented 7 years ago


Agent fails to set virtual server pool reference on BIG-IP in response to lbaas-listener-update --default-pool-id

Agent Version


Operating System


OpenStack Release



We are seeing issues with the ‘detached’ pool functionality. Specifically, when we issue and update listener command from the CLI with a default pool set we see the listener default pool is set in Neutron, but in the VS on the devices the pool is set to None.

I think I see why, I just don’t understand how it can ever have worked, unless I’m missing something. As far as I can see everything on the agent is done with reference to a service dict, which is passed via RPC from the driver. Pools are built in the service builder as a list of dicts with key ‘pools’ https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-openstack-lbaasv2-driver/blob/mitaka/f5lbaasdriver/v2/bigip/service_builder.py#L133-L134

In the agent code I see this method https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-openstack-agent/blob/master/f5_openstack_agent/lbaasv2/drivers/bigip/service_adapter.py#L127-L138 which as far as I can tell is never called (https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-openstack-agent/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=get_vip_default_pool&type=)

I’m also seeing this being used to get a pool from the service service[“pool”] e.g. https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-openstack-agent/blob/master/f5_openstack_agent/lbaasv2/drivers/bigip/service_adapter.py#L95-L98 and it’s not clear to me from the driver service builder code how the key “pool” can exist in the service dict.

Can you confirm the lbaas-listener-update –default-pool xxxx yyyy works? It’s critical to our customers use case, specifically for blue/green deployment scenarios.


Multiple BIG-IPs.

jlongstaf commented 7 years ago

The agent currently supports listener create and update with default-pool-id. The agent code does not directly process 'default-pool-id' and instead relies on association between pools and listeners defined in the service object. These associations are correctly defined in the service object passed from driver to agent when default-pool-id is present in the CLI or REST API.