Open andrewjjenkins opened 8 years ago
Welp, time to change that password... 😬
Which release of ubuntu are you using to do the patching?
16.04 LTS. I think I have a fix for this particular issue that I'm trying out. I talked with you & Rich earlier that maybe we want "set -e" in this script but I'll leave that up to you guys.
Is there a fix for this? I am running into the same thing, specifically
ls: cannot access '/dev/vg-db-hda': No such file or directory
And the image ends up unchanged after the patch runs.
Edit: I am actually seeing this, so maybe there is something else.
+ pvscan
No matching physical volumes found
I ran patch_upload_ve_image.yaml like this:
When I spin up servers created using the image produced, they don't appear to do any OpenStack-specific things. They don't honor my passwords or SSH keys or licenses, and they have the default login passwords for root and admin.
I grabbed the OpenStack log output. I clicked "Full Log" but it looks like it only gave me the last parts. I can see some interesting things; it looks like mounting the disk image fails but the script still thinks it was successful.
"Full" log below: