F5Networks / k8s-bigip-ctlr

Repository for F5 Container Ingress Services for Kubernetes & OpenShift.
Apache License 2.0
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Helm Chart f5-bigip-ctlr-0.0.29 Does not enable ingressClass after creating it. #3405

Open jhuttley-F5-com opened 4 weeks ago

jhuttley-F5-com commented 4 weeks ago

Setup Details

CIS Version : 2.16.1 Build: f5networks/k8s-bigip-ctlr:2.16.1 And earlier BIGIP Version: ALL AS3 Version: 3.x
Agent Mode: AS3 Orchestration: K8S Orchestration Version: k3s v1.28.6+k3s2 Pool Mode: Cluster Additional Setup details:
Helm 3.14.3 Chart f5-bigip-ctlr-0.0.29

internal Case 00582003


With Ingress mode, the chart can specify an ingressClass name other than the default of "f5" Installation of the chart will create the specified ingressClass, however the container is not given the required Arg "ingress-class" to be active for that ingressClass.

Thus the implementation does not process any ingress resources.

Steps To Reproduce

1) helm install cis1 f5-stable/f5-bigip-ctlr -f values-cis1.yaml 2) values-ci1.yaml has

namespace: kube-system
  create: true
  ingressClassName: cis1
  isDefaultIngressController: false

Expected Result

That the container has the ingress-class argument for the specified ingressClass

Actual Result

ingressClass "cis1" is created BUT if you Describe the pod there is no " ingress-class=cis1" argument to the container.

Diagnostic Information

Observations (if any)

A manual fix is to add the arg manually to the values.yaml.

Might have bee around for a while.

  # NOTE: helm has difficulty with values using `-`; `_` are used for naming
  # and are replaced with `-` during rendering.
  # REQUIRED Params
  # Huttley-V13A
  bigip_partition: cis1
  # OPTIONAL PARAMS -- uncomment and provide values for those you wish to use.
  # verify_interval:
  # node-poll_interval:
  # log_level:
  # python_basedir: ~
  # openshift_sdn_name:
  # flannel_name:
   # kubeconfig:
  # namespaces: ["foo", "bar"]
  #namespaces: ["ingress"]
  # namespace_label:
  # node_label_selector:
  pool_member_type: cluster
  # resolve_ingress_names:
  # running_in_cluster:
  # use_node_internal:
  # use_secrets:
  insecure: true
  custom-resource-mode: false
  log-as3-response: true
  log-level: DEBUG
  # gtm-bigip-password
  # gtm-bigip-url
  # gtm-bigip-username
  # ipam : true
  ingress-class: cis1            <<<<<<<<<<<<<<=================
trinaths commented 1 week ago

Created [CONTCNTR-4748] for internal tracking.