At present on AS3 failure the following priorities are used:
2024/07/17 10:38:13 [INFO] [Retry][AS3] post resulted in FAILURE
2024/07/17 10:38:13 [DEBUG] [AS3] Raw response from Big-IP: map[code:422 declarationFullId: message:Unable to find /Common/oneconnect-32 for /mc-twotier/Shared/crd_10_1_10_106_443/profileMultiplex]
Actual Problem
Both log lines should be ERROR log level. Specially the second line is a must to be shown always, otherwise the user needs to always run in DEBUG mode to know why something is not working.
RFE: improve AS3 result logging
At present on AS3 failure the following priorities are used:
Actual Problem
Both log lines should be ERROR log level. Specially the second line is a must to be shown always, otherwise the user needs to always run in DEBUG mode to know why something is not working.