Changes Proposed in PR: Added support for token refresh api. CM access token have a expiry of 5 mins. CIS does not continuously fetches the access token once it's expired, instead it fetches the access token when it wants to post something to CM and access-token is expired. It will use the session until the refresh token is expired.
CM refresh token have a expiry of 10H and CM terminates the session after 10 hours. CIS will establish a new session every 10 hours. CIS
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[x] Updated Added functionality/ bug fix in release notes
Description: Adding support for refresh Token api
Changes Proposed in PR: Added support for token refresh api. CM access token have a expiry of 5 mins. CIS does not continuously fetches the access token once it's expired, instead it fetches the access token when it wants to post something to CM and access-token is expired. It will use the session until the refresh token is expired.
CM refresh token have a expiry of 10H and CM terminates the session after 10 hours. CIS will establish a new session every 10 hours. CIS
General Checklist
CRD Checklist