Closed cki-gh-rafal-gadomski closed 2 years ago
Just attempting to resurrect this 2 year old issue because it still appears to be unresolved in the latest (1.15.0) version and we have a need to import nodes from common. Attempted to import:
module.lbaas-pool-members.bigip_ltm_node.rcc_node[""]: Importing from ID "\"/Common/\""...
module.lbaas-pool-members.bigip_ltm_node.rcc_node[""]: Import prepared!
Prepared bigip_ltm_node for import
module.lbaas-pool-members.bigip_ltm_node.rcc_node[""]: Refreshing state... [id="/Common/"]
│ Error: Cannot import non-existent remote object
│ While attempting to import an existing object to "module.lbaas-pool-members.bigip_ltm_node.rcc_node[\"\"]", the provider detected that no object exists with the
│ given id. Only pre-existing objects can be imported; check that the id is correct and that it is associated with the provider's configured region or endpoint, or use
│ "terraform apply" to create a new remote object for this resource.
I also tried using "/Common/", '{ "id": "/Common/"}' but neither of these worked. I am able to import using "" but this results in a node that has a mismatching id and the subsequent apply will destroy and recreate the mismatching resource. It appears the root cause of this issue is import doesn't support partitions.
@rafalgadomski @jskirde please let me know reproduction steps for this issue, i am unable to reproduce this issue. one more thing don't use route domain for import node objects into state, route domains will added only to address field
$ terraform import 'bigip_ltm_node.site1_node[""]' /Common/
bigip_ltm_node.site1_node[""]: Importing from ID "/Common/"...
bigip_ltm_node.site1_node[""]: Import prepared!
Prepared bigip_ltm_node for import
bigip_ltm_node.site1_node[""]: Refreshing state... [id=/Common/]
Import successful!
The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.
$ terraform state list
$ terraform state show 'bigip_ltm_node.site1_node[""]'
# bigip_ltm_node.site1_node[""]:
resource "bigip_ltm_node" "site1_node" {
address = ""
connection_limit = 0
dynamic_ratio = 1
id = "/Common/"
name = "/Common/"
rate_limit = "disabled"
ratio = 1
session = "user-enabled"
@rafalgadomski closing this issue, please reopen new issues if any issue seen
Hello, I am trying to start using terraform in our environment. I have did some modules to create nodes, pools and vs and it is working fine since the all of objects is new fresh. Our production env have some pre-created objects manually i.e. nodes and pools, which i want to reuse in my code / convert into code. I can't see if I can import node or pool into terraform?
I have tried some imports with:
terraform import '[""]' /Common/
based on lessons learnt with openstack provider but as far i can see there is no function in sources to import node so it can't even work? Am I wrong?Regards