F5OEO / WsprryPi

Raspberry Pi WSPR transmitter using NTP based frequency calibration
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Frequency hopping is not working #7

Closed HS2JFW closed 1 year ago

HS2JFW commented 4 years ago

In original code, band hopping is not working. I have change the code to the following to make it work.

* wspr.cpp: Original *****

if(ngfmtest==NULL) { ngfmtest=new ngfmdmasync(center_freq_actual,SR,14,FifoSize,true); FreqPWM=(float)malloc(Upsamplesizeof(float)); } else ngfmtest->enableclk(4);

* wspr.cpp: Changed *****

ngfmtest=new ngfmdmasync(center_freq_actual,SR,14,FifoSize,true); FreqPWM=(float)malloc(Upsamplesizeof(float)); ngfmtest->enableclk(4);

And also add call cleanup(); function at the end of tx.

// Turn transmitter off ngfmtest->disableclk(4); cleanup();

Still unknown other issue after this modification.

Hope this help.

73 Joe HS2JFW

F5OEO commented 1 year ago

Thanks...issue should be fixed with https://github.com/F5OEO/WsprryPi/commit/58a6fc6375f5f3a54ee5864e6c06ee80919b2929