F5OEO / WsprryPi

Raspberry Pi WSPR transmitter using NTP based frequency calibration
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WsprryPi tx running beyond 120 sec window #8

Open VK3ZTE opened 3 years ago

VK3ZTE commented 3 years ago

Seeking some assistance Over the last month I have tried (many times) to get WsprryPi running on a variety of RPis (3s and 4s) and even with a range of operating systems (Buster, Ubuntu mate etc) but with the same outcome. Instead of transmissions terminating after 100 secs or so, they continue for more like 217 secs. The system then waits for the next window and resumes transmitting - this time for 220 secs. The pattern continues 217, 220, 217, 220 secs etc. I have been downloading the WsprryPi software from F5OEO on github each time onto a clean SD card, freshly loaded with the operating system. As unlikely as it seems, is there a bug in the currently available version of WsprryPi? I've used WsprryPi in the past with no issues. Hoping for some advice. regards Grant Symons