F5OEO / pluto-ori-ps

PlutoSDR softwares using custom hdl design
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Firmware observations and suggestions #4

Open Psynosaur opened 7 months ago

Psynosaur commented 7 months ago


Please find my observations regarding the operation via MQTT.

These are all the things currently that come to mind, please reach out if anything is unclear.

Thank you Ohan ZS1SCI

Psynosaur commented 7 months ago


When using the paho mqtt client the spectrum is strangely shaped and the DC line is visible in the middle.


Replace with https://unpkg.com/mqtt/dist/mqtt.min.js and this blob of JS.


pluto_url and callsign are injected from node-red.

Canvas labels frequencies and spans correctly without strange spurs, and updates when the topic changes


Update, this is a theory, perhaps it's because paho-mqtt already established a connection to the pluto broker locally on the device, and therefore the second client connection via paho-mqtt externally messes with the FFT?

kind regards

Psynosaur commented 6 months ago

please see my remarks om wiki regarding fw 0.3-17 and upwards.

Frequency is artificially capped at 2147.5MHz at topic cmd/pluto/ZS1SCI/rx/webfft/frequency

Frequency can be set to higher than that with topic cmd/pluto/ZS1SCI/rx/frequency but it seems you new cmd/pluto/ZS1SCI/rx/webfft/frequency topic has preference over it since it doesn't change frequency anymore on cmd/pluto/ZS1SCI/rx/frequency upto 6GHz like before

Web FFT(on pluto)

This is why DATV-Red maintains its own spectrum file with a different MQTT client.