F5OEO / rpitx

RF transmitter for Raspberry Pi
GNU General Public License v3.0
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RPi 4 crashes on #244

Open simpson-peter opened 3 years ago

simpson-peter commented 3 years ago

Whenever I run any of the frequencies on ./easytest.sh my RPi4 stops all visual output to my monitor, and I seemingly can't control the rpi with any peripherals (ctrl + c or ctrl + d doesn't fix the problem). The signal however does play so the rpi is still functional. Has anyone had this problem? Is it a power problem, or just an rpi4 beta issue?

comicsansgreenki commented 3 years ago

It definitely happens with direct monitor output. When I was running a VNC server without HDMI output, I could run high resolutions easily while running rpitx. It seems like it's a rpi4 beta issue.

Also, this issue was already created (#231).

Jibun-no-Kage commented 2 years ago

Can you connect to the serial port, i.e. UART?

Jibun-no-Kage commented 2 years ago

Tested Pi4 beta, corrupted serial console output and freezes serial console when trying to run sendiq for example. Running from PuTTY session I get the right output, but the transmission fails it appears. Either way the transmission seems to fail or be subpar. Tried the same command on Model 2B and 3B and it works fine.

Command attempted... `# sendiq -s 250000 -f 303.87500e6 -t u8 -i /usr/local/bin/rpitx/signals/Casitas/Light.iq Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000 RPi4 GPIO detected Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000 RPi4 GPIO detected Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000 RPi4 GPIO detected Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000 RPi4 GPIO detected Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000 RPi4 GPIO detected Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000 RPi4 GPIO detected Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000 RPi4 GPIO detected Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000 RPi4 GPIO detected Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000 RPi4 GPIO detected Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000 RPi4 GPIO detected Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000 RPi4 GPIO detected Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000 RPi4 GPIO detected Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000 RPi4 GPIO detected End of file


Pi OS 11 Bullseye on Pi 4.

Jibun-no-Kage commented 2 years ago

DId some more testing,and now have seen serial port 'corruption' on a 3B, similar to the 4B serial port issues. The difference is, on the 3B (via PuTTY) session, RPiTx works as expected, whereas on 4B I still can't seem to get it to work at all. Have tired 4 different Pi 4B devices. No joy so far.

comicsansgreenki commented 2 years ago

Aight. So I got the tune binary working on the Pi 400, but anything else (tried chirp) seems to kill video, as well as the network interface (unable to SSH or ping). tune also seems to take my inputted frequency and double it.

$ sudo ./tune -f 140000000
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Running on Pi4

(repeated 4 more times...)

Info:NTP find offset 130778 freq 373840 pps=0 ppm=5.704346
Pi4=1 Xosc = 54000000 Freq PLL no 5= 647996303
Found PLL solution for frequency 280.0MHz : divider:5 VCO: 1400.0MHz
Master PLLC locked

I'm running this on Ubuntu 21.10 arm64.

comicsansgreenki commented 2 years ago

o>0 ohh wait a second... I did the following and the screen momentarily blanked. Maybe we're getting a completely blank screen from the programs that have change in their signal constantly (i.e. pifmrds, or anything else in easytest other than tune).

sudo ./tune -f 1400000000
sudo ./tune -f 700000000

The top one reports that it's too high for tune to reach. The bottom command continues running after the monitor blank. There's also some change in what the bottom command reports:

Pi4=1 Xosc = 54000000 Freq PLL no 5= 11199999988
Found PLL solution for frequency 1400.0MHz : divider:1 VCO: 2800.0MHz
Pll Fix Divider
Use PLL Prediv
Master PLLC Locked

'Fix Divider'. >.> *EDIT: I killed my video output completely when I was using -f 54000000...so I don't think that could be a cause. Maybe the divider's having some trouble on certain frequencies. I can still ping it on my network (via ethernet)! The openssh server seems to be affected, though (port 22: Connection timed out).

pschonmann commented 2 years ago

Hi ! Same shit here ! Im running debian 11 on pi4 with pimox7, just only over ssh, no hdmi into monitor.

./easytest.sh - works fine except commands using sendiq - this crash my rpi

Got output below and PI restarted.

5.15.32-v8+ #1538 SMP PREEMPT Thu Mar 31 19:40:39 BST 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux

cat /etc/debian_version 
root@pimox01:~/petr/rpitx# ./testssb.sh 
csdr bandpass_fir_fft_cc: window = HAMMING
csdr bandpass_fir_fft_cc: (fft_size = 1024) = (taps_length = 401) + (input_size = 624) - 1
(overlap_length = 400) = taps_length - 1
csdr fir_interpolate_cc: window = HAMMING
csdr fir_interpolate_cc: taps_length = 79
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe


root@pimox01:~/petr/rpitx# rpitx -m IQ -i 433B.iq  -f 433.940
Warning : rpitx V2 is only to try to be compatible with version 1
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
Peri Base = fe000000 SDRAM c0000000
RPi4 GPIO detected
client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe
andywei2015 commented 1 year ago

the same problemwhen running rpitx easytest command with raspberry 4b. hdmi signal lost. any solutions?

comicsansgreenki commented 1 year ago

@andywei2015 to my knowledge, there's only two ways around, each with their own tradeoff:

andywei2015 commented 1 year ago

@andywei2015 to my knowledge, there's only two ways around, each with their own tradeoff:

  • Continue running an HDMI output, but you're limited to an uncertain range of frequencies on tune with some trial and error. PiFmRds runs just fine though!
  • Or don't use the HDMI output. This will let you use the whole suite of commands without issue.

    • This doesn't prevent you from using the VNC Server to stream the monitor instead! If you choose to go this way, the whole thing is done through raspi-config - just set your preferred screen resolution, enable VNC server, and reboot.

many thanks for your kind reply.