FABLE-3DXRD / ImageD11

ImageD11 is a python code for identifying individual grains in spotty area detector X-ray diffraction images.
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Grain map stitch script? #78

Open jadball opened 4 years ago

jadball commented 4 years ago


Have you (or anyone else you know) written a script that stitches together grain maps? We've just finished our data collection here at Diamond, and we did multiple vertically-stacked letterbox scans with an overlap, in an attempt to stitch the grain maps together afterwards.

If not, I have a script that currently does the following:

  1. Given two map files, and an estimation of the affine transformation matrix between them, use your match.py script to correspond grains in map 1 with those in the transformed map 2
  2. Use an iterative closest point method to estimate the actual affine transformation between the two map files, given your initial guess.
  3. Apply the new matrix to map 2, then get the number of corresponding grains between that new map 2 and map 1.

It seems to work reasonably well (we're getting decent numbers here), but I'd love your input on a strategy for stitching (we'd need to choose which grain to keep in the overlapping region).

Thanks, James

jonwright commented 4 years ago

It depends a bit on the microstructure and whether the grains are larger or smaller than the overlapping region. Usually we know how we moved the sample during the experiment, but you can end up fitting if the motors are not so great. If it is a general affine transform I would be a bit worried as you seem to mess around with the orientations too? Is it position matching or also orientation? Previous cases I am aware of:

There was an idea to offset the image in "z" parallel to the translation, or offset the peaksearch output, as a way to deal with this.

You ideally need to look at the diffracted intensities and make the intensity weighted sum as a function of height. I think most people go for something like centre of gravity weighted by intensities. To simplify that I think we usually avoid overlapping the data collection (or do exactly 50% overlap).

Probably there is no script doing this properly in here, although there is a bunch of related work on the S3DXRD folder which is scanning in y/omega to build sinograms and reconstruct them (overlaps are in y instead of z and somewhat entangled).

jonwright commented 4 years ago

Feel free to drop it into the "sandbox" folder here if you like, unless you think it is documented and user friendly enough to put somewhere more easy to find :-)

jadball commented 4 years ago

In our case, we defined our beam shape to be full-width and 150 microns high. Our sample was translated vertically in the beam (keeping the detector distance fixed) in 100 micron steps, so our overlap is 50 microns. Thinking about it I'd give an average grain size of around 80 microns.

Here's the way the program thinks about it:

In my case I've found an initial guess of 100 um to give around 91 um which doesn't seem too bad. The resultant rotations are very small (each rotation matrix element is within 0.01 of 1 or 0).

jadball commented 4 years ago

May you please go into further detail on the intensity weighted sum? We took each letterbox as a separate scan, so per loading step we have 10 scans of 150 microns each with a 1 mm total height scanned.

jadball commented 4 years ago

(or we can continue via email?)

jonwright commented 4 years ago

Email is fine but this might be useful for the next person to do the same job...?

When we do the experiments we normally set up the scan to make slices in z that are do not overlap, or overlap by 50%. I think this explains the reason why, See the end for some potential work-arounds.

From makemap.py you get a line per grain which is "intensity_info". The tthrange argument to the script decides which peaks are used to get this from the data. You can also just look at the .flt.new file and see the peaks assigned to each grain (labels column). The intensity should be proportional to the illuminated grain volume and you can normalise with Lorentz factor and structure factors when they are known.

Assuming you somehow got intensities/sizes per grain, for the case where scans do not overlap you just take sum(intensity * height)/sum(intensity) over all the slices (intensity normalisation cancels out). If there is 50% overlap, use every other slice and run the code twice for odd versus even (results should match).

In your case there is a partial overlap. I guess there are 3 contributions:

If the intensity matches between the two scans then things look symmetric and you can have two distinct cases:

Note that your grain can be long and thin (columnar, or 3D printed), so the overall size doesn't always help to distinguish. In either case, the centre of gravity for the pair total is just the average of the two heights. So for this case you have a final height and a height mismatch between the two scans which tells you something about the grain size in z. The more there is a mismatch in height, the larger the grain should be in z.

If the intensity is higher in one scan (e.g. fu > fl) compared to the other, there are still two cases:

Trying to work through this algebraically... Resulting height should be the weighted average coming from the fractions and the heights of the parts unique to each scan (l=lower, b=both, u=upper):

I am afraid you have a problem of 6 unknowns and only 4 observations?

If you set "fl=0" you can solve as zu is now irrelevant. It comes down to just picking the answer from the scan which has the higher intensity and saying the other scan was "clipped". If the grain actually extends into the lower scan then the answer comes out "wrong" because both scans are clipped. Usually no problem if the grain is smaller than the overlap region, but problematic when it is the same size.

Some gotchas come from twinning and otherwise "challenging" microstructures. For example, you can have two small grains that happen to have the same orientation, but a significant amount of space between them (e.g, part was transformed or removed by a fib, etc). In that case you might have fb=0 and they should not be paired. With twinning (more common), a bunch of the reflections are overlapped with another grain that has an orientation relationship and you struggle to get sensible grain sizes due to systematic overlap.

Some work arounds:

jadball commented 4 years ago

Thanks so much for your reply!

I will look into this in more detail in the new year once I'm back at work.

If we assume we can trust our vertical displacement readback from our vertical translation stage (it's encoded), does that reduce one of the unknowns?