Open brettdaniels opened 7 years ago
I had the same issues. I replaced the original sd card due to file corruption. This resolved any issues with losing connectivity.
However, my current issue is that FABui notifies me regarding "new important software updates" that I already have installed. Check to see if your installed version and the remote version are the same which could be causing your freezes.
Hi, I noticed there were updates to fabui and core available.
When I tried to update the first time, it lost network connection midway through for some reason. After messing with the network settings, I tried again.
It failed multiple times, stalling for hours on a particular percent of progress. I would abort all operations then the update page couldn't detect any network connection without the system being restarted. After dealing with this a few times, I was able to get the core successfully updated and rebooted afterward. The problem is the fabui update keeps failing.
What could be the issue? Would doing a fresh wipe and copy of the latest archive carry over any updates? I am currently connected to both Wifi and ethernet both set to Automatic.
Since the system still works, I'm refraining from continued attempts and resuming printing. I don't feel like wiping everything and going through the install and setup procedures if I don't need to.