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Lucy's user manual #11

Open lucfercas opened 1 year ago

lucfercas commented 1 year ago

My name is... Lucía You can call me... [Lucy]

How to say my name (Sign up and record your name, then share the link here)

My pronouns are: (she/her)

How I get my best work done:

Collaborating, exchanging challenges and having some time to sort my head out.

The role I usually take in a team:

I love being a team player! And I truly enjoy settings where there are blurry/non-existent hierarchies.

My communication style:

Conscientious and steady

What I value:


What people misunderstand about me:

As an introvert, I listen more than I talk. Sometimes that comes out as ‘not participative enough’.

How I like to get my feedback:

Give it to me straight! (constructively and respectfully). I’m not afraid of criticism and I always welcome honesty.

Technical strengths & weaknesses:

Interests (programming or otherwise!):