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Alex's user manual #3

Open AlexVOiceover opened 1 year ago

AlexVOiceover commented 1 year ago

My name is Alexander You can call me Alex

My pronouns are: He/Him

How I get my best work done:

I find that I do my best work when I give myself the flexibility to explore different problem-solving approaches and question the boundaries of the task, even those I've imposed on myself.

The role I usually take in a team:

I often take on a supportive role within a team. I encourage people to freely express themselves and aim to harness their potential. My background as a sound engineer, recording voice talents, has influenced this approach. I typically step in and offer guidance or intervention only when there's a problem, in order to channel the creative energy effectively.

My communication style:

In every signal there is information and there is noise, I try to keep the noise down.

What I value:

I value hardworking and involved people, those who respect themselves and each other.

What people misunderstand about me:

Language barrier is very frustrating to me, and many times I cannot express my ideas as I would do in Spanish. Sometimes I just give up and shut down the communication. In the last years, I am trying to push through it, but most of the times that extra effort is being perceived as a 'too authoritarian' way to speak. In addition to that, I also have a 'peculiarity' with my hearing. When most people's brains are very effective at filtering whatever is not important (traffic noises, coffee machine, people in a different conversation...), mine is like a pipe where everything just passes through, so it's hard for me to follow a conversation in a noisy place. If you see me wearing headphones, please don't take it as a lack of respect. Most of the time, there isn't even music; it's only the noise-canceling feature.

How I like to get my feedback:

I prefer feedback to be as clear as possible. I don't need too much diplomacy.

Technical strengths & weaknesses:

I have the ability to quickly learn and grasp complex concepts, which is one of my technical strengths. However, I tend to become easily obsessed with certain aspects. While this can be beneficial as it often leads to expanding the scope of the projects I'm working on, it can also become a rabbit hole where I invest insane amounts of time.

Interests (programming or otherwise!):