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Lucien's user manual #4

Open Luciensday opened 1 year ago

Luciensday commented 1 year ago

My name is... Lucien Lin You can call me... Lucien / Lucy / Lulu. pronoun: Perhaps because there is no differentiation of 'he or she or it' in my first language ( For Mandarin speaker - we use 'Ta' to cover all genders and objects) - I sometimes make mistake to use the wrong pronoun. If it happened please feel free to correct me.
As for my pronoun : I am comfortable to be called either he/him, she/her, they/them. but 'hey gal' or 'hey mate' will be preferable in case you forgot my name . :speak_no_evil: ( 'hey man' / 'hey bro' + bro fist bump probably are not too my thing )

How I get my best work done:

When the project is running under good planning whichI have confident the project can be completed if we stick to the planning

The role I usually take in a team:

My communication style:

My communication style I would say layback ( I love to have a Kiki ) and respectful. I also realised how vital it is the inform other team members before implementing certain action (which you won't receive unpleasant surprise from me).

For the communication regarding the planning - I tend to write it down so the team also has something to refer back when needed.

What I value:

Fairness. Team spirit.

What people misunderstand about me:

Could be stiff or nervous looking (like ) when facing unfamiliar environment or people. but give some time the ice will melt. (Basically treat me like a cat )

How I like to get my feedback:

I like a constructive feedback which gives me some direction to reflect. Even it's not constructive (just an instinct or have a hunch) - I am happy to hear too.

If you have any feedback I am always open to listen and see how I can improve.

Only under one situation it might feel uncomfortable is being blindsided. I prefer to received the feedback directly.

Technical strengths & weaknesses:

Strengths: Design, research, Planning Mid-level: CSS, HTML, Javascript Weakness: writing the content. Git and VScode setting

Interests (programming or otherwise!):

I am an antique and vintage furniture lover! From Mid-century style to old Victorian obscure oddities / Persian rug..etc I also interest in how human brain functions / and the spiritual world.