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Week 5 proposed plan #18

Open rug1 opened 8 years ago

rug1 commented 8 years ago

Week 5


10-11:30 Morning Challenge

11:30-4:30 Readmes

Split into four jigsaw groups and each work on a different database:

Everyone should research these questions (30 minutes):

For your specific database (1h30mins):

Write a guide on how to (1h30mins):

Stretch goal: present a working demo showing how to add to the database from a HTML form.

4:30-6 Presentations


10-1 Redis Workshop. Work in pairs. People who did the Redis readmes will have an advantage but if they finish early, they can help the others.

1-2 Lunch

2-5 Websocket Tutorial Work in pairs. Tutorial uses express and jQuery, change it into a pure node server and vanilla javascript.

5-6 Questions on anything they want to go through or finish up either of the workshops if they haven't finished.


10-11:30 Morning Challenge

11:30-11:45 Introduce project: This week you will be creating a chat room that updates in real time (obviously). You will need to implement both socket.io and a database.

10-5:30 Carry on with projects

5:30-6 Adam Baldwin Node Security talk via Google hangouts


10:30-12 Code Review

12-1 Respond to issues

1-2 Lunch/write up stop go continue

2-2:45 go through stop go continue

2:45-3:15 upstairs project

3:15-4 Business Development

4-6 Project Presentations

rug1 commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure if the project might be a bit too challenging

sofer commented 8 years ago

@rug1 we might want to rename this to Week 6 proposed plan.

And following the suggestion from @iteles, we might even want to rename it to Weeks 6-7 proposed plan.

Also, we may want to keep a careful eye on what goes on this week, because we are taking a slightly different approach with READMEs (see https://github.com/FAC7/READMEs), which is going to involve people creating more structured tutorial READMEs and then actually getting the rest of the class to go through them. If that works, it may mean we will need more time (but we will have less work to do!).

rug1 commented 8 years ago

Yes I was just about to suggest this could actually be the proposed plan for week 6