The students' apps should query at least two APIs using the XMLHttpRequest method :heavy_multiplication_x:
For this bit, you have only used behance API, was there a reason behind not using another one?
I have noticed that you have counted behance API twice on your README!!
The students' apps should feature some dynamic content :heavy_check_mark:
The students' apps should include a clearly-defined user journey, documented in your readme. :heavy_check_mark:
The apps must have a well-considered architecture. :heavy_check_mark:
The apps must be modularised. :heavy_check_mark:
Any key decisions about how the students structured their code must be documented in their readmes! :x:
Can you add the resonse why you did structrue your project in this particular way?
Code: The code must be broken down into small functions with a clear input and output(so that it is easy to write tests) :heavy_check_mark:
Tests: there must be tests. :white_check_mark: :checkered_flag:
Design: the apps must have responsive, mobile-first designs :heavy_check_mark:
Accessibility. :x:
We can't test accessibility unless we have a deployed version served via HTTP/HTTPS.. (a live link).
Requirements of this week's projects:
The students' apps should query at least two APIs using the XMLHttpRequest method :heavy_multiplication_x: For this bit, you have only used behance API, was there a reason behind not using another one? I have noticed that you have counted behance API twice on your README!!
The students' apps should feature some dynamic content :heavy_check_mark:
The students' apps should include a clearly-defined user journey, documented in your readme. :heavy_check_mark:
The apps must have a well-considered architecture. :heavy_check_mark:
The apps must be modularised. :heavy_check_mark:
Any key decisions about how the students structured their code must be documented in their readmes! :x: Can you add the resonse why you did structrue your project in this particular way?
Code: The code must be broken down into small functions with a clear input and output(so that it is easy to write tests) :heavy_check_mark:
Tests: there must be tests. :white_check_mark: :checkered_flag:
Design: the apps must have responsive, mobile-first designs :heavy_check_mark:
Accessibility. :x: We can't test accessibility unless we have a deployed version served via HTTP/HTTPS.. (a live link).