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Notes for tomorrow's meeting #155

Open db626 opened 5 years ago

db626 commented 5 years ago

Hello Group!

I'm looking forward to our meeting tomorrow. My questions will be more or less as follows (not in order of importance):

1) I'm wondering what kind of security there will be to protect the data that users donate. I wouldn't want anyone infiltrating the system, deleting information, or altering information.

2) Similarly, what will we do about backing up the data, do people still do backups?

3) We haven't really discussed how users will add questions, I'm most concerned because I think they might want to add categories as well. We could add an umbrella 'other' category, but 450 questions is quite small, considering we're talking about medical questions... there are probably a lot of other categories people will want to add.

4) We also haven't talked about how people will 'reject' bad translations, there needs to be multiple choices for why a translation gets rejected, mainly:

This translation could confuse a patient This translation is not the language or dialect listed This user gave an intentionally bad translation and should be blocked The audio/video quality is too bad ___ Other (type in explanation)

5) We need to talk about how much more time we have. I've noticed (I think) that there are only 4 programmers listed on GitHub as working on the project. Did some people leave?

6) How are you all feeling?

7) I'm attaching a spreadsheet of current volunteers, with as much information as they've given me. I'm impressed that we have so many doctors or medical students, and we seem to have quite a few people that speak a few languages- (a few Arabic speakers, a few Portugese speakers, etc), good for testing out the verification part. Still working my guts out every night to find test users.


FarahZaqout commented 5 years ago

We will deliver by the end of this week the database and server side of the views that are currently up on the heroku link.

Testers will be able to interact with more than static pages. They will be able to sign up and login, view questions, add some, translate and verify...etc.

We will have 2 weeks after that. I am thinking we should focus our priority on two things. 1- the additions you have mentioned here in the issues. 2- feedback from the testers.

I think these are equally important, and I believe 2 weeks will be enough to address all of the questions and additions you have mentioned here and in other issues along with any new pages/views associated with them, as well as incorporate any feedback we receive from the users.

Looking forward to our meeting today.