FACG5 / asi-autocomplete

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Challenge: Modularization #28

Open FarahZaqout opened 5 years ago

FarahZaqout commented 5 years ago


These three functions can be abstracted into one. Give it a try, if you can't do it, give it a shot over the weekend too. This is the holy grail of writing clean, reusable and bug-free code.

HemaSAli commented 5 years ago

@FarahZaqout is this good farah ?

function handler(link, req, res) {
  var endponit = req.url;
  var pathName = {
    home: ["/public/index.html",".."],
    staticfle: [endponit,".."] ,
    autocomplete: ["/Data/shortList.txt",""]

  fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, pathName[link][1], pathName[link][0]), function(err, file) {
    if (err) {
    } else {