FACK1 / Beauty

Beauty 💄: An application to show all Makeup products to users, allows users to search any products they want and display its information
1 stars 3 forks source link

modularization #48

Open mhmdtshref opened 6 years ago

mhmdtshref commented 6 years ago

It will be better to make your file structure like this:

|__ src
|       |
|       |__ server
|       |          |___ handlers.js
|       |          |___ router.js
|       |          |___ server.js
|       |
|       |__ test 
|       |          |___ tests.js
|       |__ apis
|                  |___ apiRequests.js
|__ public
        |__ css
        |         |___ resets.css
        |         |___ main.css
        |__ js
        |         |___ dom.js
        |         |___ requests.js
        |__ index.html
Samaamro20 commented 6 years ago

Maybe next project :+1: