[ ] GET decoration shop details data from database
[ ] render data to the frontEnd
[ ] Make style for decoration shop page
GET /Jewelry
[ ] GET Jewelry data from database
[ ] render data to the frontEnd
[ ] Make style for Jewelry page
GET /Jewelry /:id
[ ] GET Jewelry shop details data from database
[ ] render data to the frontEnd
[ ] Make style for Jewelry item page
GET /Shoes
[ ] GET Shoes data from database
[ ] render data to the frontEnd
[ ] Make style for Shoes page
GET /Shoes /:id
[ ] GET Shoes shop details data from database
[ ] render data to the frontEnd
[ ] Make style for Shoes shop page
GET /dresses
[ ] GET dresses data from database
[ ] render data to the frontEnd
[ ] Make style for dresses page
GET /dresses /:id
[ ] GET dress shop details data from database
[ ] render data to the frontEnd
[ ] Make style for dresses shop page
POST /logIn
[ ] user input username and password
[ ] get data from database
[ ] Comparing the interned data with database
[ ] render data to the frontEnd and go to user profile page
[ ] Make style for login page
POST /signUp
[ ] user input information (full name ,email ,password ,confirm password, legal business name, street ,city, service type, phone number)
[ ] add data from database
[ ] render data to the frontEnd and go to user profile page
[ ] Make style for signup page
GET /userProfile/:id
[ ] GET user data from database
[ ] render data to the frontEnd
[ ] Make style for userProfile page
GET /companyProfile/:id
[ ] GET services data from database
[ ] render data to the frontEnd
[ ] Make style for companyProfile page
PUT /updateServiceProfile/:id
[ ] user input information (name,location,picture) then click update
[ ] update data in database
[ ] render data to the frontEnd
[ ] Make style for updateServiceProfile page
PUT /updateUserProfile/:id
[ ] user input information (full name ,email ,password ,confirm password, legal business name, street ,city, service type, phone number) then click update
GET /halls
GET /halls /:id
GET /food
GET /food /:id
GET /decoration
GET /decoration /:id
GET /Jewelry
GET /Jewelry /:id
GET /Shoes
GET /Shoes /:id
GET /dresses
GET /dresses /:id
POST /logIn
POST /signUp
GET /userProfile/:id
GET /companyProfile/:id
PUT /updateServiceProfile/:id
PUT /updateUserProfile/:id
DELETE /deleteServiceProfile/:id
GET /filter