FACN1 / week3-javiasy

Repo to hold GOT actor app
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user story tip #41

Open SavageWilliam opened 7 years ago

SavageWilliam commented 7 years ago

Great Readme overall! You've really clearly outlined the structure of your project 🎉

One point with 'User Story' format.. generally theres 3 parts to outline

As a... I want to... So that I...

This ensure that every feature you describe (I want to...) has a good reason behind it (So that I...)

Example: "A user wants to read on mobile, tablet or desktop." -->

As a GOT fan... I want to access the site on my mobile... So that I can find out about the characters whilst on the toilet...

From this thought process.. and having to give reasoning you might actually realise that a feature isn't necessary! For example, maybe no one wants to check out the site on the bog (or on mobile at all) and then mobile first design wouldn't be necessary. - bad example but hope you get the point.