FACN3 / mrrobot_project2

week 2 project
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Page size #9

Closed Amirk390 closed 6 years ago

Amirk390 commented 6 years ago

the width and height values ion the style.css isn't necessary in my opinion the page will look the same without them, and at the moment the page is to big with them. :smile:

.frame {

  width: 100vw;

  height: 100vh;

  text-align: center;



SamiSha99 commented 6 years ago

This effect won't be seen on large webpages, however it does take an effect on smaller devices

With .frame: https://prnt.sc/h85rb8

Without .frame: https://prnt.sc/h85qve

There is difference, I think there is no point in remove that.