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Lua code for FAF
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Annotate fields related to bombs #6181

Closed lL1l1 closed 1 month ago

lL1l1 commented 1 month ago

Description of the proposed changes

Defines the default gravity as -4.9 ogrids/s/s, corrects the annotation for SetBallisticAcceleration, clarifies CalculateBallisticAcceleration and BombDropThreshold, and annotates RealisticOrdinance.

Testing done on the proposed changes

See the debug setup commits. For changing the default return value in CalculateBallisticAcceleration, I looked at the bombers in the BombDropThreshold test and adjusted the ballistic acceleration in defaultProjectileWeapon manually, and found that -4.9 seemed more on target than -4.75, which overshot very slightly (as expected, a slower downwards acceleration means the bomb stays in the air long and thus flies further forward).
