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Feature - Add github workflows for wiki generation #6188

Closed relent0r closed 1 month ago

relent0r commented 1 month ago

Description of the proposed changes

This PR adds workflows for the generation of wiki content.

At a high level it does the following.

It is currently in draft pending functional testing and some more inline documentation. Requires changing repository references to official ones for production implementation.

Testing done on the proposed changes

Testing without production impact requires updating the repositories used to forked variants

Additional context


Garanas commented 1 month ago

And on a different note to make testing easier: you can output the entire wiki as an artifact when the job is done. See also the non-wiki changelog generation script that adds the changelog as an artifact. That way you can download and verify the output.

relent0r commented 1 month ago

And on a different note to make testing easier: you can output the entire wiki as an artifact when the job is done. See also the non-wiki changelog generation script that adds the changelog as an artifact. That way you can download and verify the output.

Thats good to know thanks.

I've done updates based on the above feedback.

Outstanding is the question about how to get the current version and how I could put this into the commit message for the wiki.

I've tested up to this point with the updates and it 'seems' good. I just need to update the triggers and repo references once we are happy to move forward.

relent0r commented 1 month ago

Moving out of draft as this is at a v1 point.