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Balance idea: Increasing the capacity of the energy shield from Energy Storage #6196

Open GodFuper opened 6 months ago

GodFuper commented 6 months ago

Make a bonus from energy storage for Shields. изображение

Well, first of all, try increasing the shield by 3-5% for each energy storage. To see how people react to this

This gives a shield bonus in the later stages, but also increases the risk.

Basilisk3 commented 6 months ago

It would make more sense for pgens to do this. Pgens buff units that use power (artilleries etc.) and storages buff units that generate power (pgens; mass fabs etc.).

relent0r commented 6 months ago

Its a cool idea. Provides a risk/reward for using storage rather than pgens.

Basilisk3 commented 6 months ago

I think we should avoid exceptions to generally understood rules.