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[SACU Rework] : New Base Stats #6302

Open MrRowey opened 4 days ago

MrRowey commented 4 days ago

Description of the proposed changes

This is slowly towards the SACU Rebalance the Balance team has been trying for the last 3 years.

Whats Changed

Health : 15000 > 11500
RegenRate : 17 > 14
BuildRate : 56 > 40
GunDamage : 300 > 100
GunRange: 30 > 25
Health : 16000 > 13000
RegenRate : 20 > 16
BuildRate : 56 > 40
GunDamage : 300 > 100
Health : 19000 > 12500
RegenRate : 25 > 21
BuildRate : 56 > 40
GunDamage : 300 > 100
Health : 15500 > 12000
RegenRate : 15 > 12
BuildRate : 56 > 40
GunDamage : 400 > 100
Wrecks Spawn now spawn on seabed


The damage reductions that the base SACU have received will be redistributed to the enhancement.


Depony commented 4 days ago

I understand the HP rework, but the damage reduction is excessive. Currently, the unit is mainly used as a RAS (Resource Allocation System) support unit, and these changes would reinforce that role exclusively.

I propose a different approach to make the unit more combat-oriented:

  1. Combat Viability:

    • Keep the base damage the same but reduce the cost to vet (veteran) level. This would encourage its use as a combat unit or field engineer.
  2. Comparison Example:

    • A Percival has 7.4k HP and a DPS of 337.21.
    • The suggested changes for the UEF SUP COM are:
      • Health: 16,000 -> 13,000
      • Gun Damage: 300 -> 100
    • This would make a Percival significantly stronger than a unit that costs nearly twice as much.
  3. Balancing:

    • The main argument for the changes is that RAS units are currently overpowered due to their economic benefits.
    • However, nerfing the unit to make it only beneficial as a RAS unit contradicts the goal of balancing its combat role.
  4. Suggested Changes:

    • Reduce the mass cost of the base unit by 15%.
    • Keep the DPS the same.
    • Slightly reduce the HP.
    • Agree on nerfing the build power (BP).
  5. RAS Upgrade:

    • Keep the current cost for RAS SUP COM units, meaning the upgrade itself should increase in cost in mass to include the base Sup Com cost reduction remain expensive.

These suggestions aim to make the unit more versatile and combat-effective while addressing concerns about its current overpowered state in terms of resource allocation.

MrRowey commented 4 days ago

This is just changing the base stats , the reduced damage that the base gun will do will be redistributed to the upgrades.