FAForever / server

The servercode for the Forged Alliance Forever lobby
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[After TMM] Revise protocol documentation #482

Open Askaholic opened 5 years ago

Askaholic commented 5 years ago

We really need a dedicated server protocol document where we write down what messages are sent by the client, and what responses come from the server. That way the client developers can have something to reference without needing to read the server code. This would also push us toward defined protocol versions where we can explicitly say "version 1.0 has exactly these commands".

Ideally we would refactor the server so that much of this documentation could be generated automatically from doc strings.

KaukaHan commented 2 years ago

how about implementing the hole protocol into a webassembly module, witch can be shared between the server and client ?

Askaholic commented 2 years ago

I’m not sure how that would work. Can you elaborate?

Sheikah45 commented 2 years ago

I am always surprised a little that the protocol was never defined in a third repo using like Google protobuf that allows it to be cross language

KaukaHan commented 2 years ago

https://webassembly.org/ https://wasmer.io/ tldr: webassembly and wasmer would allow to compile into a platform indepenent, efficient, sandboxed, binary format witch can be embed into other software. the biggest problem i think is, you need a compiled language to compile into wasm, like c/c++ or rust. might be overkill therefor.