Open sjDCC opened 6 years ago
I would suggest that there may be one more bullet also adressing Research Communities, for development and implementation of disciplinary semantic resources (vocabularies, etc.). This would probably be needed in order to allow interoperability to become of real value to data-driven research.
DFG position: It is certainly true that semantic technologies are of great value for ensuring the interoperability of repositories. That is a general insight and is of course relevant to any implementation of the FAIR-principles too. However, it is questionable whether this needs to be recommended here separately (see Recommendations 7 and 8).
I think this is also linked to Rec. 10. As I commented, I think we are a bit far from the real and useful adoption of semantic technologies, but I think we need to make an effort on that.
Thumbs up. Combine with Rec. #20 : Support legacy data to be made FAIR #20
ESO position The involvement of the individual disciplines is crucial.
INAF (astronomy) position: Same comment in #23 and: semantics, vocabularies and ontologies are domain specific
As noted above, perhaps this should be made a specific condition of some of the other recommendations.
euroCRIS position:
The semantic richness required for the interoperability of the EOSC ecosystem is an important concept, especially considering the diversity of the research data landscape. CERIF-XML is a protocol that has been developed to provide interoperability between any and all systems in the research information landscape, including CRIS/RIM systems and repositories. It includes a semantic layer that can accommodate diverse, multilingual descriptions and classifications of objects, including research data, within the research ecosystem. This allows flexibility and formality in defining a canonical model, with syntax and semantics, for widespread interoperability.
Fully support semantic technologies to be developed in an (inter)disciplinary context and in consensus with researchers and research communities. There is some overlap with previous recommendations including Recommendations 3, 7, and 8 related to interoperability and standards. Perhaps merge?
DARIAH-ERIC position: SSH constitute an inherently multifaceted research landscape with a great diversity of mainly unconventional (i.e. non-algorithmic) data types and formats. There is a primary need to identify common practices, shared data characteristics, protocols and standards in this highly diverse field to develop an environment that is flexible enough to allow for the integration of heterogeneous material. As an important step to this direction, the DARIAH-CESSDA-CLARIN Technical Reference is intended to form basic guidelines and references for development and maintenance of infrastructure services for the participating infrastructures and beyond. They rely heavily on work by the community and in particular CESSDA ERIC, CLARIAH-NL, DARIAH-DE as well as the Netherlands eScience Center and the UK Software Sustainability Institute.
Semantic technologies are essential for interoperability and need to be developed, expanded and applied both within and across disciplines.
Programs need to be funded to make semantic interoperability more practical, including the further development of metadata standards, vocabularies and ontologies, along with appropriate validation infrastructure. Stakeholders: Funders; Standards bodies; Global coordination fora.
To achieve interoperability between repositories and registries, common protocols should be developed that are independent of the data organisation and structure of various services. Stakeholders: Data services; Standards bodies.