FAIR-Data-EG / consultation

A call for contributions to the report of the FAIR Data Expert Group
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Introducing Context into FAIR data: some use-cases. #17

Open hrzepa opened 7 years ago

hrzepa commented 7 years ago

More on the context of FAIR data. Here is FAIR data embeded into the context of a journal table;

http://doi.org/10.14469/hpc/1248 The table has cells which reference the DOI of the data referred to, and using Javascript retrieves the data and renders it. The components of the table can be downloaded separately if readers wish to inspect them or re-assemble them into another context. In this model, the table “wrapper” is itself distinct from the article it is a part of (hosted on a repository, and hence has its own metadata).

We also use other models in which such tables are hosted by the journal as part of the HTML version of the article, eg http://www.rsc.org/suppdata/cc/c3/C3CC46720A/C3CC46720A/index.html In this model, the data Table does not have its own DOI and hence can only weakly inherit metadata from the article itself.

It is of some interest that the major publishers in our area (chemistry) have thus far accepted the idea of creating a separate independent version of a journal article table which has its separate metadata. Whether this will persist remains to be seen.

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