Metadata for Ontology Description and Publication Ontology
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Add agent metadata to ontology as per ontology's guidelines #9

Open nicholascar opened 6 years ago

nicholascar commented 6 years ago

Assuming the ontology/Named Individual merger in issue/8 is implemented:

<http://www.isibang.ac.in/ns/mod> a owl:Ontology , mod:Ontology , owl:NamedIndividual ;
    rdfs:label "MOD: Metadata for Ontology Description and publication"@en,
        "MOD: Métadonnées pour l'ontologie Description et publication"@fr ;
    dcterms:creator [
        foaf:homepage <http://www.lirmm.fr/~jonquet/> ;
        foaf:name "Clement Jonquet" ;
        rdf:type foaf:Agent ;
        foaf:mbox <mailto:jonquet@lirmm.fr>
    ] ,
        foaf:mbox <mailto:bisu@drtc.isibang.ac.in> ;
        foaf:name "Biswanth Dutta" ;
        rdf:type foaf:Agent
    ] ;
jonquet commented 6 years ago

Working on this locally to update current version soon.

Originally our idea was to have both inside MOD file:

Will explain when we talK.

jonquet commented 6 months ago

@antony-wilson @biswanathdutta Could you take care of this ? Actually, it would be a good practice to describe the values of the followoing properties with "FOAF blank nodes" :