Open jonquet opened 5 months ago
Can we achieve this by adding a note to the property whose usage we want to specify?
Discussed in FAIR-IMPACT T4.2 meeting today.
how about something like
mod:hasProperty a owl:ObjectProperty;
dcterms:description "A relationship between an MOD class and a property"@en ;
rdfs:label "has property"@en ;
rdfs:range rdf:Property ;
not sure how you would represent multiple properties of a class
I would star by encoding this with dc:domainincludes then will investigate the "reverse" aspect with the hasProperty option.
For the moment, I suggest we proceed with dcterms:domainIncludes. I have done it within MOD3.2 for all existing properties. See
We need to find a way to encode in RDF the information that a given property "applies" to a certain object in MOD. But we do not want to use domain/range (rdfs:domain) to do this as we do not want to override the original domains defined (or left loose) by the original vocabulary provider of the property.
Something like "rangeinclude" from DublinCore
For example, dct:description may aplies to everything as DCT did not fi the domain. However in DCAT2 (hence in MOD) the dct:description property is "suggested" to be used to describe the dcat:Dataset not the dcat:Distribution. But this "suggestion" (explicit in the DCAT documentation and image) is not explicit in RDF distribution of DCAT2. @agbeltran @biswanathdutta @antony-wilson any idea how to represent this?