Metadata for Ontology Description and Publication Ontology
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New iteration of MOD metadata review should cover sdo:DefinedTermSet #99

Open jonquet opened 1 week ago

jonquet commented 1 week ago

Discussed in https://github.com/FAIR-IMPACT/MOD/discussions/51

Originally posted by **jonquet** September 19, 2023 Since MOD 1.4 Schema.org (SDO) has added the notion of DefinedTerm and [DefinedTermSet](https://schema.org/DefinedTermSet) (another word for semantic artefact I believe). We are going to need to review the metadata properties of this object. Things inherited from CreativeWork and Thing were already integrated in MOD1.4 which assume an ontology was a sdo:Dataset Note with respect to #34 => we might have a conflict when aligning our DCAT MOD2 approach with Schema.org. @agbeltran : DCAT3 is aligned to sdo:DataSet and if we decide a mod:SemanticAretfact is a dcat:Dataset we are going to have an issue of alignement with Schema.org in which the relevant class is now sdo:DefinedTermSet which is disjoint from sdo:Dataset