Open misev opened 3 months ago
@misev MANY THANKS for your work!!!
@eox-cs1 @baloola these are the reasons why I generally prefer to first specify such applications, then develop! Please go through @misev comments, define what you'll do about the problems addressed, create issues for what will be changed (and then change)
General comment: on mandatory fields, I now see the text XXX is required, you can submit now successfully but the validation test will fail.
- as I user I find this statement confusing (you can submit, but it's not gonna help you! ;) ). I'm wondering if we need to differentiate between Submit
(record done, please process) and Save (done for today, but still work to be done)?
Hi @baloola , From our last call I understand that the blocking point to update the GUI copy is that you need an updated mapping of field/label/Help message, correct? @KathiSchleidt, @misev let's update or start a table with the desired text, so that Mussab can implement it. E.g. | Field | Label | Help message |
stac:common:title | Title | The title of the collection which will be displayed in the Catalog. | |
stac:common:description | Description | Detailed description of the dataset. | |
stac:item:id | Unique Identifier | Provider identifier. Must be unique within the Catalog. | |
... | ... | ... |
I am sure there is already this document somewhere, but I could not find it. @baloola, where did you get the labels/help messages from initially?
@mari-s4e, no particular source, some help messages were in the github issue template (e.g deiscription).
Okay, I have set up an Excel Sheet in our Teams: catalog_editor_GUI_text It is essentially a copy of Table 1 Mapping from metadata requirements to STAC of Deliverable 4.2, with a new column for the item description that will appear in the GUI. @misev, @KathiSchleidt does this work for you? Can you help fill out the descriptions?
I'm not an expert on this topic, I just left feedback here from the perspective of a user that used the catalog editor.
@baloola while I'd like to provide support in descriptive texts for the GUI, at present, as the mapping to STAC has gone badly sideways, I no longer know what goes where. Example:
Data source -> Name was originally mapped to stac:contacts:name
, defined as The name of the responsible person.
Now mapped to stac:common:providers:organization_name
The user interface of the catalog-editor can be improved to be more user-friendly. As it is, a lot of guessing is involved in what each field should contain, and what the effects of setting it are.
TOC by catalog editor section
expect the same name ("The name of the organization which produced the dataset.")?Horizontal Axis
Time Axis
Re-projection axis
Add description what is this about, I don't understand in which case would it need to be filled in.
Data Quality, Accessibility, Dates
Add hints to the fields, what exactly should they contain?