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Providing Provenance Information #34

Open KathiSchleidt opened 2 months ago

KathiSchleidt commented 2 months ago

When exploring options for data provenance provision, I recently came across an interesting new activity under OGC integrating the concepts from the W3C PROV-O Provenance Ontology within a STAC provenance extension. As this is one of the bits where we'd need to propose something to STAC anyway, I'd prefer to utilize this approach (PROV-O has long been respected within the scientific community)

Input Term multiplicity Notes currently implemented STAC name PROV-O element Comment KS
Origin 0...1 EO-based, produced by countries stac:provenance_name   Think this may be a duplicate of Data Source, thus could be cut
Preprocessing 0...1 Description of the preprocessing stac:preprocessing missing requested
Source Data 0...1 link to data stac:source_data prov:wasDerivedFrom
Models 0...1 A url link to the processing Model stac:models prov:wasGeneratedBy  
Documents & Publications 1   stac:documentation missing  requested

Note: the way PROV-O is designed, the concepts can link either directly to an external resource. I'd link to the STAC records for source data and a/p processing resources. See the first example for direct linking

KathiSchleidt commented 6 days ago

@baloola have you made any progress in integrating the PROV-O STAC extension?