[but this applies to data hosted at both rasdaman and sentinel hub] there is missing information on how to now get access to the data.
suggestion is the following
clarifying with UCs where download / access links are expected, under assets or additional resources or new name
three options to get access
"visual" link -> sentinel hub item / rasdaman dashboard / deep external API link
"querry" link -> rasdaman WCS querry, API example, sentinel hub equivalent (if available)
"script" link -> example python code to access the data (target to provider platform), can be c&p to own script, [time/space] extend might only needed to be changed by user
once a user has managed to navigate to the desired stac data item, e.g.
[but this applies to data hosted at both rasdaman and sentinel hub] there is missing information on how to now get access to the data.
suggestion is the following