FAIRiCUBE / data-requests

Request data to be made available within FAIRiCUBE HUB
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ChangeType.update stac_dist/ERA5_Land_monthly/ERA5_Land_monthly.json #283

Closed fairicube-data closed 3 months ago

fairicube-data commented 3 months ago

{"filename": "ERA5_Land_monthly/ERA5_Land_monthly.json", "item_type": "stac_dist", "change_type": "Update", "user": "FAiRICUBE", "data_owner": true}

misev commented 3 months ago

@eox-cs1 @KathiSchleidt (not sure who is the right person) I have a problem adding this datacube to the catalog, it seems to ignore the time unit I set (I tried day and d) and the automatic validation fails. When I go to edit the entry, the time unit is empty so it wasn't saved at all.

baloola commented 3 months ago

Hi @misev, thank you for reporting this issue, this looks like a bug, I will fix it.

misev commented 3 months ago

@baloola ok, just let me know when it's fixed so I can update it.

Also, I'm not sure if this is configured in the catalog editor: is it possible to change the default reviewer for rasdaman data requests from @Mohinem to @misev?

baloola commented 3 months ago

I manually fixed the time unit issue now, I did fix the issue in the GUI frontend code but before I create the release I would llike to ask, do you want to replace Mohit as the reviewer for all rasdaman products ? waitnig for your answer :) PS: band evaporation_from_the_top_of_canopy has no nodata value, fixing this will pass the validation test

misev commented 3 months ago

Yes please replace Mohit with misev for all rasdaman cases. The nodata should be same as the other bands -32767, maybe you could add that as well? Thanks.

baloola commented 3 months ago


KathiSchleidt commented 3 months ago

When we discussed providing information on ERA5 with the UC, we had agreed to put the various variable names in the keywords section to enable simpler search. Could you please add these?

Otherwise the JSON looks good :)

KathiSchleidt commented 3 months ago

@misev Question to the new temporal encoding, at the ERA5 source I see that this dataset is monthly, to my understanding what's being provided in ERA5_Land_monthly is hourly (resolution="0.041666666666666664" days). How does this work?

misev commented 3 months ago

I updated the keywords; if this is a requirement maybe the GUI code can automatically append the variable names to the keywords @baloola @KathiSchleidt? Also I'd suggest to add a hint on the text field that it expects comma-separated values (I just guessed this, wasn't sure if it's what's really expected).

@KathiSchleidt the resolution was a copy-paste error. I'm not sure how to set it to 1 month yet though, because the time CRS we use AnsiDate has UoM of day. Adding a new CRS at OGC is pretty involved as I understand (@pebau). As an interim workaround we could convert the time axis to an irregular axis, in which case a resolution will not be needed.

The information in the netcdf data is as following btw:

    int time(time) ;
        time:units = "hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00.0" ;
        time:long_name = "time" ;
        time:calendar = "gregorian" ;
KathiSchleidt commented 3 months ago

@misev I like the idea of automatically adding the names of the bands to the keywords, @baloola can you add this to the implementation tasks for the WebGUI? Described in the issue Automatically add band names to Keywords

On temporal information, are "hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00.0" a thing? Never encountered before, are there functions converting this to normal dates as with UNIX or POSIX Time? Btw - from what I've picked up in the OGC, the decision there is to go for POSIX time

misev commented 3 months ago

In rasdaman I changed the time axis to irregular, but with monthly areas of validity. This technically makes it regular with 1 month resolution, so in the catalog entry I've marked it as such.

With that I think this data request can be merged into the catalog.

misev commented 3 months ago

On temporal information, are "hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00.0" a thing? Never encountered before, are there functions converting this to normal dates as with UNIX or POSIX Time? Btw - from what I've picked up in the OGC, the decision there is to go for POSIX time

Yes it seems common in netcdf data. We convert them to standard date with some Python code in our import config:

"axes": {
  "time": {
    "min": "(datetime(1900,1,1,0,0,0) + timedelta(hours=${netcdf:variable:time:min})).strftime(\"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M\")",
    "max": "(datetime(1900,1,1,0,0,0) + timedelta(hours=${netcdf:variable:time:max})).strftime(\"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M\")",
    "statements": "from datetime import datetime, timedelta",
    "directPositions": "[(datetime(1900,1,1,0,0,0) + timedelta(hours=i)).strftime(\"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M\") for i in ${netcdf:variable:time}]",
    "gridOrder": 0,
    "irregular": true,
    "areasOfValidity": [ { "start": "(datetime(1900,1,1,0,0,0) + timedelta(hours=${netcdf:variable:time:min})).strftime(\"%Y-%m\")",
                           "end": "(datetime(1900,1,1,0,0,0) + timedelta(hours=${netcdf:variable:time:min})).strftime(\"%Y-%m\")" } ]
baloola commented 3 months ago

Some remarks:

KathiSchleidt commented 3 months ago

@misev I just tried to look at the DescribeCoverage of this dataset, but seems there is an issue. Get the following response:

<ows:Exception exceptionCode="IOConnectionError" >
        <ows:ExceptionText>Cannot retrieve serialized object in JSON string from remote petascope endpoint 'https://ds.earthserver.xyz/rasdaman/rasfed/coverage/description?coverageId=ds.earthserver.xyz:7000:ERA5_Land_monthly&version=10.0.9'. Reason: Cannot get result from URL 'https://ds.earthserver.xyz/rasdaman/rasfed/coverage/description?coverageId=ds.earthserver.xyz:7000:ERA5_Land_monthly&version=10.0.9'. Reason: Read timed out</ows:ExceptionText>

On the time encoding, I wonder how many users will be able to work with this. If you decide to go this way, please provide the required functions as python code under the Common Code Repo

misev commented 3 months ago

We have an issue currently on our server so DescribeCoverage and other requests will fail; we are working to remedy that.

The time conversion is only relevant for the import of netcdf into rasdaman. Users of the WCS/WCPS service see and work with standard ISO datetimes.

KathiSchleidt commented 3 months ago

@misev do I understand correctly that the FAIRiCUBE rasdaman VM is also a development machine?

misev commented 3 months ago

The VM hosts a rasdaman installation and a JupyterLab. What do you mean by development machine?

KathiSchleidt commented 3 months ago

We've had such issues with the rasdaman server being unavailable several times, thus I get the impression that new untested SW is being deployed. Back when I was in development, we had 3 tiers

misev commented 3 months ago

It's a production server, nobody is developing or testing on the server. However, some issues become apparent only in production due to differences in data size, and we hit such a case now.

misev commented 3 months ago

@baloola thanks for checking, I've fixed the bbox and the thumbnail request works now as well. @KathiSchleidt the DescribeCoverage works fine as well now.

KathiSchleidt commented 3 months ago

@misev much better. Still a few issues:

KathiSchleidt commented 3 months ago

@misev question: in the OWS Spec, while I see that Longitude values are NOT limited to +/– 180 degrees., I do not find a corresponding entry for Latitude. Is lowerBound="-90.05" upperBound="90.05" correct?

Longitude is provided as lowerBound="-180.05" upperBound="179.95", seems inconsistent

misev commented 3 months ago
KathiSchleidt commented 3 months ago

Thanks for correcting the UoM.

On the various elements that rasdaman provides under the ras namespace in the metadata element, is there any ambition to provide a schema for these components? The documentation provided is a bit superficial

pebau commented 3 months ago

On the various elements that rasdaman provides under the ras namespace in the metadata element, is there any ambition to provide a schema for these components? The documentation provided is a bit superficial

That is currently under work, including setting up a schema repo.