Relevant for semantic mapping after Sept NIAC meeting:
For the conversion direction yaml2nxdl xref is currently resolved as such:
f"This concept is related to term {xref_entries.get('term', 'NO TERM')}_ "
f"of the {xref_entries.get('spec', 'NO TERM')} standard.\n\n"
But that xref is not necessarily always a "standard" but sometimes an "ontology",
therefore suggesting to revise this at some point.
We could also think about having another keyword for xref that describes what kind of entity we are referencing, i.e., ontology, standard, defined vocabulary, etc.
Relevant for semantic mapping after Sept NIAC meeting: For the conversion direction yaml2nxdl xref is currently resolved as such: f"This concept is related to term
{xref_entries.get('term', 'NO TERM')}
_ " f"of the {xref_entries.get('spec', 'NO TERM')} standard.\n\n"But that xref is not necessarily always a "standard" but sometimes an "ontology", therefore suggesting to revise this at some point.