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[Bug]: Validation Error if @URL is required for the NeXus definition #469

Open RonHildebrandt opened 1 week ago

RonHildebrandt commented 1 week ago

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What happened?

This was found for NXraman here

Thats, as far as I know, the only NeXus defnition, which has @url required as attribute. Though, this is written attribute is written automatically written afterwards. At some point, the check is done before this automatic writing of the @URL attribute for the definition.

This results in a warning, which is bad for CI/CD or similar.

Relevant log output

(.py39) ron@hlp135:~/2_pynxtools/2_make_multiformat_raman_reader/pynxtools-raman/src/pynxtools_raman_multiformat$ dataconverter eln_data.yaml Si-wafer-Raman-Spectrum-1.txt config_file.json --reader raman_multi --nxdl NXraman --output output_raman.nxs
Using raman_multi reader to convert the given files:  
• eln_data.yaml
• Si-wafer-Raman-Spectrum-1.txt
• config_file.json
Config file already set. Replaced by the new file config_file.json.
Config file already set. Replaced by the new file config_file.json.
WARNING: Missing attribute: "/ENTRY[entry]/definition/@URL"
The output file generated: output_raman.nxs.