FAIRplus / imi-data-catalogue

FAIRplus catalogue for IMI projects and associated Datasets
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Define Data Model for the catalogue: #1

Open proccaserra opened 4 years ago

proccaserra commented 4 years ago

Scope clarity: what is that we are cataloguing: Project AND Datasets Project: should we index all known IMI projects listed from IMI site or only those FAIRplus (and eTRIKS) have engaged with Datasets: complex objects with many data modalities and many dataset releases (accrual datasets, longitudinal datasets -> versioning, relevant for all prospective cases, ie IMI engaging currently with FAIRplus). Note: for many finished projects, this is irrelevant (the retrospective use case

initial representation with DATS model:

main advantage: json schema validation json context files for:

know limitation:

proccaserra commented 4 years ago

review list of IMI projects to understand need to capture relations between projects (e.g. projects with subproject)