FAIRsharing / domain-ontology

A project supporting the DRAO application ontology, a hierarchy of specific research domains and descriptors which imports subsets of terms from over 50 publicly-available ontologies.
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Classification #51

Closed allysonlister closed 3 years ago

allysonlister commented 4 years ago

While this tag is intended to be a generic term describing the classification of objects, the current definition (EDAM) is life-sciences-specific. We may wish to refactor as our intent is more wide-reaching:

"Assign molecular sequences, structures or other biological data to a specific group or category according to qualities it shares with that group or category."

The current hierarchy is:


allysonlister commented 3 years ago

We agree that we need to find another class that properly describes classification in the more general sense. I will have a look at the existing curation for classification to determine if we also want to keep this term with another label that is more suited to the definition.

allysonlister commented 3 years ago

We currently have 52 records in FAIRsharing with Classification. It is worth noting the following about these records:

There are two points here:

  1. Should Taxonomic classification stay where it is? I think we can probably leave it as its location fits with its meaning. If instead you'd like me to look for a suitable class that would fit as a child of Classification, please let me know.
  2. Refactor Classification to one of these choices (there are a couple of other options, but I think these are the best two): http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C25161 ncitclass

The OMIT term http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OMIT_0004280, which is taken from MeSH with the definition "The systematic arrangement of entities in any field into categories classes based on common characteristics such as properties, morphology, subject matter, etc." omitclass

Of the two, I prefer the definition and the hierarchy of the OMIT term. What do you two think, @delphinedauga and @Drosophilic? Thanks!

Drosophilic commented 3 years ago

Hi Ally, I also prefer the OMIT term. I also think Taxonomic Classification should stay where it is.

allysonlister commented 3 years ago

Thanks @Drosophilic that's great! @delphinedauga what are your thoughts?

allysonlister commented 3 years ago

What are you changing?

Refactoring the Classification class.

Why are you suggesting this change?

The current definition does match the more generic label, nor does it match FAIRsharing's use of the term.


Add to development/refactored-IRIs-current.txt http://edamontology.org/operation_2990|http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OMIT_0004280


Recommendation: Classification

Reasoning: OMIT label, and our existing label.


Recommendation: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OMIT_0004280

Reasoning: See discussion earlier in the ticket.


The systematic arrangement of entities in any field into categories classes based on common characteristics such as properties, morphology, subject matter [Adapted from https://meshb.nlm.nih.gov/record/ui?ui=D002965, AL 5.8.2020]

Please note that this will have to be added via DRAO-manual.owl, as OMIT does not currently import definitions for the MeSH terms it uses.


Recommendation: Child of data transformation

Reasoning: We don't currently have a mesh hierarchy in FAIRsharing and classification is a type of data transformation. It was a child of EDAM operation (which itself is a child of data transformation), so this places it in a similar location. datatran

allysonlister commented 3 years ago

Work complete on this ticket.