FAIRsharing / domain-ontology

A project supporting the DRAO application ontology, a hierarchy of specific research domains and descriptors which imports subsets of terms from over 50 publicly-available ontologies.
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Drug repositioning #55

Closed allysonlister closed 4 years ago

allysonlister commented 4 years ago

'Drug repositioning' is one of the UDTs that will be promoted to DRAO as part of the COVID-19 work. It is in 2 FAIRsharing records, 1 of which is a COVID-19-tagged record (CIDO, https://fairsharing.org/bsg-s001471/).

OMIT https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/ontologies/omit/terms?iri=http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FOMIT_0027237 does have this term, but no definition - we could add one if required.

Originally posted by @allysonlister in https://github.com/FAIRsharing/domain-ontology/issues/53#issuecomment-620400886

allysonlister commented 4 years ago


The original MESH term used to create the OMIT class does have a definition (listed as a "scope note" in the record): "The deliberate and methodical practice of finding new applications for existing drugs."


The MESH hierarchy lists this class as a child term of Drug Development, which we have as a subject in SRAO (with a sibling class of Drug Discovery). I can see Drug Repositioning as a child of Drug Development, but would like your opinion before we move it out of the DRAO ticket system and into SRAO. Within DRAO, we'd probably want to put it somewhere in the 'planned process' hierarchy, but I don't have a clear idea of where it would make sense to put it: plannedprocess


It also has an "RDF Unique Identifier" of http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D058492 that we could use as the class IRI if you agree. Otherwise, we can make use of the OMIT IRI used for the MESH term, which is what we've done in the past: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OMIT_0027237

Drosophilic commented 4 years ago

Having Drug Repositioning as a child of Drug Development makes sense.

I don't see the benefit of the RDF Unique Identifier over the OMIT IRI. Why would one choose one over the other?

allysonlister commented 4 years ago

The only benefit would be that we are using MeSH's own system of identification, but as I only recently found out about them, all other MeSH terms in DRAO have come through OMIT, and therefore have OMIT IDs. I suggest that we retain this method and use the OMIT IRI. :) Thanks!!

delphinedauga commented 4 years ago

I don't completely agree with the fact that it could be a child if 'Drug Development'. The definition of Drug Development is: 'The process of bringing a new drug to market once a lead compounds has been identified through drug discovery'. Here we talk about a new drug where 'Drug Repositioning' concerns an existing drug. I would put it as the same level as 'Drug Development'.

Drosophilic commented 4 years ago

That's a good point @delphinedauga, and I'm now inclined to agree with you.

allysonlister commented 4 years ago

Thanks you two! Sounds like 'Drug Repositioning' is heading to SRAO, as a sibling class of 'Drug Development'. I'll make that ticket and transfer this across. Then we can continue the work there.